BSBIOS receives renewal of International Sustainability Commission


The recertification was carried out by the Control Union Certifying Body

            The commitment to the environment is one of the pillars of BSBIOS, which received, in  August, the renewal of the International Certification in Sustainability and Carbon (ISCC EU). The two industrial units, Passo Fundo/RS and Marialva/PR, were empowered and can participate in the supply chain certified by RED II (European Renewable Energy Directive) for the market for sustainable biofuels in Europe. C  ertification proves compliance with the requirements of sustainable biomass production, traceability of origin and documentation of the potential of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to fossil fuels.

            In 2020, BSBIOS also received the ISCC certificate, resulting from the production of biodiesel from animal fats. This year, the certification attested that the biodiesel produced by BSBIOS, from the sustainable rawmaterial,  to its industrialization, reduces from 80 to 87% the emission of Greenhouse Gases  compared to fossil fuel, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.

            The ISCC provides a mass balance system for the certification of sustainablebiofuels,  that is, everything thatenters,  exits, accumulates or is transformed in the course of an industrial operation, is recorded. In addition, during the Certification process, raw material suppliers and port terminals also undergo auditing.

            The president of BSBIOS, Erasmo Carlos Battistella, points out that this Certification reinforces the values that are in the Company's DNA. "ISCC proves the company's sustainable vision and ensures    continued access to the European biofuels market. Withthis,  we show that our production meets the strictest  emission reduction requirements, further qualifying our product," he said.

            BSBIOS sustainability manager, Ana Cristina Curia, points out that certification is the recognition of the company's commitment to theenvironment:  "BSBIOS already has the environmental agenda aligned with its purposes and Certification is a natural way to recognize all thework developed, showing the concern and how much it is engaged with environmental issues", he explains. In addition, Ana points out that  the Certification is also a reflection of the work together. "Within a production chain, each one does its part, but one depends on the other. So when we talk about the environment, it is the union, all this work together that achieves even more positive results, than when working in isolation. And this also provokes a reflection, it is a work that impacts the whole,  following the path of sustainability is an action that only has to add to our planet", he points out.

            Battistella also points out that businesses that promote sustainability must demonstrate, through certifications, their commitment to responsible production and social and environmental supply. "ISCC is the first and leading standard based on the European Renewable Energy Directive  (RED II), being one of the most important international certifications today," added the entrepreneur.