Measures will offer more competitiveness and credit lines for floating capital.
The Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services Marcos Pereira said today (September 13th) that he will propose the creation of a working group to study ways of help competitiveness to the soybean and biodiesel processing industry.
Pereira also said that he will send with the government`s economic area the opening of credit lines for floating capital to the biodiesel industry. The statement was made in audience with the president of the Association of Brazilian Biodiesel Producers (APROBIO) Erasmo Carlos Battistella and the superintendent director of the entity Julio Cesar Minelli.
Accompanied by the federal deputy Carlos Gomes (PRB / RS), the president and the director of the Association made an X-ray of the productive sector of biofuel in the country, since the creation of the National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel in 2005 to today.
The meeting addressed several aspects of renewable oil processing, starting with the soy complex, which supplies 75% of the raw material used by the mills. Culture has evolved a lot in the last 20 years. The planted area and productivity described a permanent high trajectory, which resulted in a growth of 1.469% in exports.
More than half of the volume shipped has no added value along the production chain. As a result, external sales of soybean meal increased by 43.1%, while grain oil and biodiesel together increased by 5.1%.
Minister Marcos Pereira, Erasmo Battistella, Julio Minelli and the federal deputy Carlos Gomes in a meeting at MDIC. Credit: Washington Costa
Erasmo Battistella and Julio Minelli told Marcos Pereira that biodiesel exports practically do not exist, despite product quality and demand in several international markets.
They explained to the minister the benefits of valuing the soy complex`s industrialization, with positive impacts, including in other sectors of the economy, such as the animal protein and biodiesel industry.
Demand for soybean oil for biofuel processing helped maintain vegetable oil prices, which reduced the pressure on grain meal prices, an important ingredient in animal feed, with effects on the human food chain itself.
\"This is an economic balance in business sustainability that risks breaking with the benefit policy focused only on the product in natura\", the president of APROBIO told the minister.
\"This is an economic balance in business sustainability that risks breaking away from the benefits policy focused only on the Product in natura \", Erasmo Battistella - president of Aprobio. Photo: Wellington Costa
For him, this type of distortion can jeopardize jobs and the generation of new jobs, as well as the flow of income and taxes in various areas of the country, jeopardizing regional development.
The hearing was the same day that President Michel Temer announced a package of concessions and / or sales of 25 infrastructure projects with credit lines by both official and private banks. BNDES, Banco do Brasil and CEF must also take risks of the ventures together with the investors.
Currently, Law 13,263 of this year predicts progressive increase of the presence of biodiesel in the Brazilian vehicle matrix in proportions of mixture with mineral diesel oil that should reach 10% per liter in 2019.
Analítica Comunicação - Pedroso Alvarenga Street, 900 - 8th floor - Itaim Bibi - 55 (11) 2579-5520 - (11) 95320-6124 - Antonio Matiello / Daniela Garrafoni